Reserved Channels

Cabbage reserves several channels which are used to send information to Csound from either the host application, or from Cabbage itself. To retrieve info from any of these channels just use a chnget opcode.

CSD_PATH This string channel will retrieve the full path to the current csd file.

HOST_BPM Retrieve the currents host bpm. This will be updated whenever the host BPM changes.

IS_PLAYING Pressing play on the host transport dialogue will cause this channel to send a 1. Hitting stop will send a 0.

IS_RECORDING As above only for monitoring the record status of a session.

TIME_IN_SECONDS Return the current time in seconds from the start of the track.

TIME_IN_SAMPLES Return the current time in samples from the start of the track.

TIME_SIG_DENOM The signature denominator, e.g. the 4 of a 3/4 time sig

TIME_SIG_NUM The signature numerator, e.g. the 3 of a 3/4 time sig

HOST_PPQ_POS Return the position of the start of the last bar, in pulses-per-quarter-note.

AUTOMATION Set the automation mode, 0/1. 0, the default mode instructs Cabbage to listen to automation from a host DAW. Use this mode is you wish to automate parameters using automation envelopes and curves in your DAW. The second mode, 1, will allow the host to track channel updates if they happen in Csound. If you wish to send automation changes from your instrument, you will need to enable this mode using a chnset.

MOUSE_X Returns the X coordinate of the current mouse position.

MOUSE_Y Returns the Y coordinate of the current mouse position

MOUSE_DOWN_LEFT Returns the current state of the left most mouse button; 1 if pressed, and 0 if not.

MOUSE_DOWN_MIDDLE Returns the current state of the middle mouse button; 1 if pressed, and 0 if not.

MOUSE_DOWN_RIGHT Returns the current state of the right mouse button; 1 if pressed, and 0 if not.

SCREEN_WIDTH Returns the width of the plugin editor window

SCREEN_HEIGHT Returns the height of the plugin editor window

LAST_FILE_DROPPED This will hold the name of the last file dragged and released on the plugin window.

LAST_TEXT_DROPPED This will hold the string of the last piece of text that was dragged and released on the plugin window.

IS_A_PLUGIN Returns 1 if the instrument is running as an audio plugin, and 0 if the instrument is running as a standalone.

IS_EDITOR_OPEN Returns 1 if the plugin editor window is currently open, or 0 if the user has closed it.

WINDOWS Returns 1 if Cabbage is running on a Windows machine

LINUX Returns 1 if Cabbage is running on a Linux machine

MACOS Returns 1 if Cabbage is running on a MacOS machine

KEY_PRESSED Returns the ASCII key code for the key currently being pressed

KEY_DOWN Returns 1 a key-down event, and 0 for a key-up event.

KEY_MODIFIERS Returns a string with a list of current modifiers, i.e, Shift Ctrl Alt Command

SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH Return the number of seconds since the 1st of Jaunary 1970

CURRENT_DATE_TIME Returns the current date and time in a string, e.g., "Sun Jan 10 09:36:02 2021"

CURRENT_WIDGET Returns the channel string of the widget currently under the mouse - if a channel has been assigned.

HOME_FOLDER_UID Returns a unique ID for the users home folder.

Cabbage also set the host type, which can be retrieved using the following channels.

AbletonLive Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Ableton Live

AdobeAudition Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is AdobeAudition

Ardour Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Adour

Bitwig Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Bitwig studio

Cubase Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Cubase

FLStudio Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is FL Studio

GarageBand Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Garage band

Logic Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Logic

MainStage Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is MainStage

Nuendo Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Nuendo

Renoise Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Renoise

Reaper Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Reaper

Samplitude Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Samplitude

Sonar Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Sonar

StudioOne Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Studio One

Tracktion Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is Tracktion

Wavelab Returns 1 if Cabbage is host is WaveLab